
Silicone WONDERMAGNET toe magnet rings 2 pieces.

Original price was: 19,00 €.Current price is: 12,95 €.

2 x Silicone Toe Magnetic Ring to Increase Metabolism.
The rings are soft, comfortable to wear and almost invisible. Washable.
Magnetic field strength: 1100 Gauss (0.11 Tesla). 1 magnet per ring. Ø 2.5 cm width approx. 1.4 cm

Detox - MORE ENERGY THAN EVER. To support the detox cure.
Boosts the metabolism, strengthens the immune system and gives new energy.
Ring diameter: approx. 2.5/3cm. Ring width: approx. 1.3cm. Material: silicone.
The silicone is free from highly carcinogenic plasticizers.
Silicone magnetic toe rings have become indispensable in the world of sports.

Der Trend aus den USA ist bei vielen Spitzensportlern beliebt. Die Magnetkraft
aktiviert den Stoffwechsel und unterstützt damit alle körpereigenen Funktionen.

The self-healing powers are stimulated and the body's defenses are strengthened.

Wearing magnetic jewelery promotes our well-being in a decisive way! Thousands of years ago, the ancient Chinese already knew how important a balanced body balance and a harmonious flow of energy are for our well-being. In addition to traditional Chinese acupuncture, magnetic field therapy increases blood circulation and promotes metabolism.

We draw your attention to the fact that our assumptions and statements regarding the wearing of magnetic jewelery have not been scientifically proven and are therefore rejected by conventional medicine.

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