Supposed magnetic jewelry effect!

Positive effects have been observed for various symptoms through the long-term wearing of magnetic jewelry.
Positive magnetic jewelry effect for:
- Gout
- Migraine
- Fatigue
- Osteoporosis
- Insomnia
- Headache
- Nerve pain
- States of exhaustion
- and much more.
Unique jewelry for maximum well-being.
Test the magnetic jewelry effect with integrated neodymium magnet inlays.
In many regions of the world, copper and magnetic bracelets have been worn for more than a millennium.
Magnetic jewelry effect - Quotes / Articles:
Jörg Zittlau (German Medical Journal) in his article: "Magnet therapy - there really seems to be something to it" "So there is evidence that magnets do have a pain-relieving effect. Physiologically, this effect is explained by the fact that magnets dilate the blood vessels and improve blood flow. This is confirmed by the results of laboratory studies. No harmful undesirable effects were observed."
Paracelsus (1493 - 1541) "Those who use the magnet will find that without it they can do nothing against many diseases. It is a masterpiece for the artist in medicine, the like of which can no longer be found far and wide."
Linus Pauling, Nobel Prize winner for chemistry
"Iron is the oxygen transporter in our body and the mineral also plays an important role in cell metabolism. When it is magnetized, the cells receive an energy boost that allows them to work better and faster."
Naturopath Dr. med. h.c. Karl-Heinz Hanusch
"In many cases, magnetic field therapy eliminates the need to take medication."
This was also confirmed by the Doctor Dr. med. Johannes Schultze in a specialist publication with his statement on pain treatment: "The cost savings achieved by virtually eliminating the need for medication and other physical treatment are remarkable." a study conducted by the WHO (World Health Organization) study in 1987, the use of static magnetic fields below 20000 gauss was declared harmless.
Magnetic field therapy and the wearing of magnetic jewelry is still an alternative healing method whose effectiveness is controversial in conventional medicine.
Even the Egyptian priests used the "cosmic" power of magnetic metal to treat illnesses and Hippocrates (470-377 BC) also described healing with magnets. "Magnetic energy is the elementary energy on which the entire life of the organism depends" Prof. Werner Heisenberg (physicist and philosopher, Nobel Prize winner in physics)
Magnetic jewelry became popular mainly because it is worn by many prominent personalities all over the world and many people report positive effects.
Millions of high-quality magnetic bracelets and wellness nano products have now been sold with high customer satisfaction because many customers always want to have the power of magnets close to them.
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